Jan 5, 2022

Breast Cancer

 Breast cancer is on the increase in the United States with 1 in 8 to 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. It is fortunate that though there is an increase in breast cancer, the majority of them are being caught early enough so that the prognosis and treatment options allow women to live longer with their disease. That’s why it’s important that each of us learn what we can do to prevent and identify breast cancer...

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Jan 2, 2022

Mini Pill | Birth Control Pills Infos

 The mini pill contains progesterone only. It is used in women who have a contraindication to estrogen or are breastfeeding since combined birth control pills reduce the amount of breast milk produced. These pills work by not preventing ovulation, but by causing thickening of the mucus in the cervix which prevents sperm from passing through...

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